transformation Jul 07, 2023

We all THINK we know what we want  but do we REALLY? The big house, the fancy car, a six figure job, a designer wardrobe, to travel around the world(when it opens up again!) OR maybe it’s to find the love of your life, have children and retire.

These are all EGO driven desires to make you think and feel as if you are successful.


Your SOUL has a true desire and you can never claim your POWER unless you are clear about your TRUE desire.


Step 1: Ask yourself the POWER question  “What do I really want?”

           Not what your partner wants, your parents, your boss……..

           When you think you have the answer, keep on asking “why?” until the  

           Truth is revealed to you.       


Step 2: The Law of Attraction and the Law of Congruency

              You attract whatever you want into your life through your ability to feel 

              Good, think positive thoughts and focus on what you desire.

              This is true to some degree however the missing piece to the puzzle is 

              You will get what you want NOT what you ask for. If you are thoughts,

              Feelings and emotions don’t match your words you will attract what 

              What your heart asks for. So you won't become Rich by saying 

              “I am Rich “ if every cell in your body in your body believes you don’t 

               Deserve to be rich.


Step 3: Where are you giving your power away?

              Who are where are you placing blame on…...the economy, your parents

              The government? Sound familiar?

              The moment you take responsibility for your life, admitting the 

              Problem and  forgive yourself, you take back your POWER.


Step 4: Pay attention to yourself

              Observe what is going on around you and in you as a neutral witness 

              Instead of blaming, judging or shaming and feeling guilty.

              Be the observer of your thoughts and patterns that you repeat. This is 

            Ego trying to keep you in fear and safe. After all what other job does it

            Have. By noticing your repeating stories and beliefs, you weaken them .       

            Being mindful of your thoughts is activating your Soul and you get to 

            Choose  your beliefs and move into Joy.



           “When you do things from your Soul, you feel a river moving in you, a Joy”

                                                                                                                        - Rumi


50% Complete

Two Step

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