beauty Dec 12, 2023


The definition as stated by Google is “a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” 

Through the ages we have been led to believe that it is a physical feature. The act of beautifying has been traced back to 4000 BC with the Egyptians using Kohl pencil to enhance the eyes and rose petals and natural oils to scent the skin.

Today it is estimated to be worth over $600 Billion USD. IMAGINE!!!

Women and men all around the world want to BE and FEEL beautiful.

I believe that TRUE Beauty is not physical, it is ENERGETIC.

It is how you FEEL about yourself, what you THINK about yourself and your STATE OF MIND.

It’s an ENERGY or AURA surrounding someone.

Beauty is the very ESSENCE of a being at their core.

Beauty is Confidence, Sovereignty, Feminine strength and Vitality.

You can feel this when you are next to someone or when you are scrolling through social media. It jumps out of the screen and grabs you.

As therapists and healers, we have the ability to transform people with the touch of our hands and the energy we transmit.

The greatest compliment we can receive is when your client falls asleep during a treatment and leaves your sanctuary a different person than when they walked in.

This is pure Beauty and Energy in motion.

I discovered that my touch is powerful and transmutes negative feelings so I decided to explore how I could incorporate this healing gift into my treatments and take my clients to another level, so I trained in different Healing Modalities including:


Theta Healing

Access Bars Consciousness

Silent Counselling

These energetic modalities were the missing link to the deep and powerful transformation that my clients now experience.


"The Beauty of a Woman must be seen from in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where LOVE resides."                   

  - Audrey Hepburn


50% Complete

Two Step

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