energetics Apr 04, 2023

Ever since the age of 16, I have always had an interest in beauty and caring for the skin. I had a deep knowing that I wanted to become a beauty therapist and study the human body. My love of rituals and self care served me well with my clients and I quickly learnt that I was a natural and I had “healing” hands. My attention to detail and adding special touches to my treatments kept me busy and my appointment book full.

My interest in education and helping women feel good was sparked after watching a motivational speaker take women through a skincare workshop and how mesmerized and enchanted they were and how they hung on every word he said…….These women would have followed him anywhere!!  I knew this was the path I wanted to take. I wanted to positively impact people’s lives. 



As it turns out I am great at sharing knowledge, particularly of Beauty and sales in a way that is simple and can be understood. This is my superpower! 

I have always had a love of Beauty and beautiful things like fine jewellery, beautiful underwear, designer makeup and fine homewares. These things make me feel abundant and beautiful. So how can things make us feel beautiful? Let’s explore this.


So, what exactly is Beauty?

The definition as stated on Google is “a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” 

We have been led to believe that it is a physical feature. The act of beautifying has been traced back to 4000 BC with the Egyptians using Kohl pencil to enhance the eyes and rose petals and natural oils to scent the skin. Today it is estimated to be worth over $600 Billion USD. IMAGINE!!! Women and men all around the world want to be and feel beautiful. I believe that beauty is not physical, it is energetic.

It is how you feel about yourself, what you think about yourself and your state of mind.

It’s an energy or aura surrounding someone. You can feel this when you are next to someone or when you are scrolling through social media. It jumps out of the screen and grabs you.

As therapists and healers, we have the ability to transform people with the touch of our hands and the energy we transmit. The greatest compliment is when your client falls asleep during a treatment and  leaves your sanctuary a different person than when they walked in. This is pure Beauty and Energy in motion. I discovered that my touch is powerful and transmutes negative feelings so I decided to explore how I could incorporate this healing gift into my treatments and take my clients to another level so I trained in the healing modality of Reiki.


Whether you are aware or not, as therapists we are healers. Our energy is able to transmute and transform negative emotions and feelings into positive, empowering ones. I began to end my treatments with Reiki, a form of energy work that uses universal Life Force to enhance well being, relax and calm the body. The practitioner is a vessel that is used for the energy to flow through the hands. This was my first experience at adding a holistic service to my treatments and it proved to be very successful. 

We attract into our life what we most need in divine timing. My next experience with healing came through signing up for a free webinar with a money coach from the UK. I had been following her work in social media for a while and her message or energy really resonated with me and where I was at in my life. I was curious to find out more and why I wasn't attracting abundance into my life after working on my self development for over 20 years, using all the tools and techniques (or so I thought) and my “stuff” wasn’t showing up! There was something missing.  



Theta Healing was the missing piece. I experienced energy shifts and beliefs that I didn't know I had, and cleared them in an instant! This was my first exposure to THETA HEALING. I was blown away at how fast my inner beliefs were cleared and new empowering beliefs became my normal. As my inner reality changed, my outer reality reflected this. I began to attract and keep more money in my life, I attracted a new job, my relationships with my husband and children changed, I attracted my first mentor.  The changes in my life were incredible! 



The Theta Healing technique is a world renown healing method that was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health and after she healed bone cancer in her leg.

The Theta Healing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the Theta Healing Technique creates a positive lifestyle. -

In Theta State the brain waves are slowed down to a very deep state of relaxation. Theta brain wave is the first stage of  dreaming,  just before we fall into a deep sleep. Theta brain waves can be thought of as the subconscious mind that holds memories and sensations. Theta governs our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and your behavior. It is believed that this mental state allows you to act below the level of the conscious mind which is only 5% of what we believe.

I was so inspired and grateful for all the wonderful shifts appearing in my life that I wanted to help others receive this wonderful gift so I studied Theta Healing and I use this with my private clients and my  coaching clients to achieve instant, lasting results and manifestations. 



To achieve a Theta brain state the practitioner must travel through to the Seventh Plane of Existence which is where the Creator of All that is IS. It is in the Seventh Plane that beliefs are changed, healing is witnessed and enlightenment is achieved. The first Six Planes consists of all  non-organic elements of this Earth in its raw form such as minerals, crystals, soil and rocks,all organic materials such as plants, trees, vitamins, fairies and nature spirits, humans, animals, spirits, angels, ascended masters and the Laws of the Universe such as the Law of Time, the Law of reciprocity, the Law of Truth, the Law of Magnetism and the Law of Attraction. The Seventh Plane of Existence is pure energy of creation, pure consciousness, unconditional Love. You feel a sense of safety, peace, Joy and calmness when you are connected to this plane.



What we believe may not be our own. We are like sponges that absorb what we see, hear and experience from the time in the womb to present day. Our beliefs are held on 4 levels.

Core Level - holds all our beliefs that we have been taught from time in the womb to the present.

Genetic Level- beliefs that are inherited and form part of our DNA from our ancestors that can go back as far as 7 generations.

History Level- beliefs that we carry from past lives, collective consciousness such as fear or even cultural beliefs.

Soul Level - beliefs that our soul holds from all the different incarnations

Most beliefs are held in place by our subconscious mind to keep us safe and to protect us. The subconscious mind makes up 95% of what we believe and is basically directing our life.

The conscious mind, what we are aware of, only makes up 5% of our beliefs so you can see how important it is to clear limiting beliefs. The first step is awareness. Where in your life can you notice a pattern that keeps repeating? By catching out this pattern or belief you can choose not to play its game. The two most common beliefs that I see in clients are scarcity or abundance.

A belief is just a thought that we keep thinking on repeat and our mind has accepted as truth because there is an emotion or feeling that keeps the belief alive.



We have all heard of The Law of Attraction. This Law is found on the Sixth Plane of Existence and governs energy and frequency. What we focus on we get more off. That includes negative thoughts and actions. Have you ever experienced a day when you sleep through your alarm and you get out of bed in a bad mood and all day everything seems to go wrong! This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Thoughts are frequencies in motion. The thought of being late for work is a thought you have sent out into the universe and it is vibrating at a unique frequency and it finds another experience to match and so on and so on.

The Law of Attraction states ‘That which is like unto itself, is drawn’ - The Law of Attraction Esther and Jerry Hicks.

This law affects all things. Just like the saying “Birds of a feather flock together”

Your energetic frequency will attract the type of clients you have, the team members you hire, how successful you are, the ambience of your spa, even the quality of your treatments. Energy can either attract or repel. The new paradigm in business is all about attraction. 

The old way of hustle to make money is no longer the way to operate. Energy is a frequency that exists in time and space in the quantum field.



The Quantum Field is described as energy. All physical reality as we know it exists as energy in a vast interconnected web across time and space. All possibilities and probabilities are held in this field which can become reality with our thoughts, observations, feelings and state of being.

Early physicists divided the world into matter, thought and energy believing things to be solid without movement. Current understanding is that we are part of an invisible field of energy which contains an infinite number of possible realities and can be influenced by our thoughts and feelings. Everything that exists is energy that is vibrating at a particular frequency, therefore we have the ability to affect our thoughts and environment because we are energy.

As energetic beings, we have the ability to affect our reality by the thoughts we think, how we feel and how we act. Our mind speaks to us with thoughts and our body with feelings. The Quantum Field responds when thoughts and feelings are aligned and sending out the same signal, like a radio. The outcome is the reality you create good or bad. So it makes sense that if we want to create a new potential reality we need to change the way we think, act and feel. We need to change our State of Being. 

Neuroscience has proven that we can change our brain, attitude, beliefs and behaviour simply by thinking differently. This new state of being creates new neural pathways (nerve cells) that actually change our brain and consequently our mind.  If on the other hand we think and feel equal to our experience we will continue with the same reality. We have the ability to make our thoughts and feelings so real that the brain believes the reality to be real and that it has already happened. To effectively change our reality we need to create a new state of mind and a new outcome. This is the way of holistic business in the new paradigm. 



If you have ever experienced burnout, you know it’s not fun to go through. You feel disengaged, your emotions are all over the place and you erupt over the smallest things. A deep feeling of hopelessness washes over you and you feel helpless, trapped and lack motivation. You become almost mechanical with your duties and you feel resentful toward everyone at work and your emotions are heightened which begins to affect your personal relationships. Basically, you are empty as the name suggests your energy has burnt out. I know how this feels as I was in that space over 20 years ago! The thought of surviving 1 more Christmas season in the salon was just too much for me and I resigned and had a 3 month rest to recharge.

Burnout is the result of long periods and recurrent experiences of emotional stress that the body and mind accept as normal states and establishes a programme or belief around. When we experience stress, our brain triggers neurotransmitters (nerve messages) to our adrenal glands to produce chemicals cortisol and adrenaline to prepare us to “Fight or Flight'' This continued habit keeps the state of being in stress until eventually you have nothing more to give, essentially your vessel is empty. You have no more energy to give. As healers, therapists and empaths we are constantly giving our energy away and if we don’t find a way to recharge and fill up daily, we burnout.  In order to give energy we must ensure we are full first. 

Meditation first thing in the day, grounding our energy in the earth, walking in nature, listening to  solfeggio frequencies, fresh foods, crystal therapies and movement are just some ways to recharge our energy. There is an endless supply of Universal energy that surrounds us and all we have to do is tap into it and fill our vessel. When we are out of alignment with our soul calling, our true purpose, this leads to burnout.



Everything I have shared with you are ways to operate in business in the new paradigm. It is no longer about hustle and working hard, it is about attracting what you desire with ease and grace. It is about being aligned, balanced and centred, directing your life and business from this space. When you are in true coherence in life and business you attract your dream, soul aligned clients and you enjoy life and your light from within shines like a beacon.

If you have in your heart to introduce holistic services to your business I encourage you to listen to this call. We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. There are many aspects to the human experience that make up the whole- the Physical Body, the Mental Body, the Soul Body and the Spirit Body. To embody all aspects is to treat the whole entity. This is also true of your team and clients. Your clients and your team are part of the whole. Is this your current reality? I invite you to look at your current reality and decide if this feels good or do you need to make changes? 



As we move out of a decade of clearing out old programmes and ways of working we are moving into a new era. Truth and authenticity will be vital in business and life. This pandemic was new for us, most of us have not lived through anything like it before. Yet here we are on the other side stronger, more agile and evolved. We learnt new skills and we learnt new ways to attract business. The internet has allowed us to connect with friends, colleagues, clients and strangers from all over the world. Those that pivoted were successful, those that stayed in fear did not!

We had to get creative to move forward despite the challenges in the world.. Business and life will never be the same as it was. We will not go back to the old way. There is a new world that has dawned and we will adapt and will find harmony once more. The new cannot be unlearnt. Finding internal balance is vital so your outer reality and business can reflect this. Everything we do and say remains in our field and  affects everyone around us. We are One Heart, One Soul, One Divinity. Harmony will be restored and it starts with you!


You have the ability to create whatever you desire or is on your heart in your business, There are no rules. Whether you are a makeup artist, hairdresser or day spa operator you're a creative being or an artist. You have chosen to create art on a moving, living thing be it a face, hair or body. The end result is an artistic visual expression of your very soul. Your confidence to express your soul essence will determine how successful you are.

This is your gift, your genius. Are you stuck in hour by hour work just surviving which leads you to burn out or can you expand your awareness to a realm of possibility that involves reaching many, many aligned clients in 1 hour of work.


 Have I just blown your mind? 

Are you wondering how can I do this? The answer is online group work where you get to share your creative gifts and transform your people through art and expression. Workshops, tutorials, increasing your prices and competitions are just some of the ideas. When you create a mindset shift to what is possible, magic happens and the universe reorganises things to match your new frequency. It's possible because I've seen it…I’ve lived it!

I used to love my job……… A few years ago when I first started coaching and training for a global skincare brand. Over the years the role changed and evolved. This is true for humans as we naturally change and grow as we evolve. My dream of having my own business and joining the ranks of entrepreneurs has always been in the back of my mind. I know I am here for a higher purpose. As a Projector on human design, my ULTIMATE purpose is  to help the planet heal and clear the vibration and collective consciousness of the world (no pressure, huh?)!

Now, I know that, but here is the funny part, I have not been listening to the nudges and messages the Universe has been sending me. I chose to stay in a job because it's safe, secure and I know where my paycheck is coming from. However, the Universe had other ideas for me. They cannot force change upon us as free will is the Highest most sacred Law of the Universe. What they can do though is send people and experiences into my job that create a misalignment and cause me to question what I'm still doing in it. The Universe is also very good at looking after me and keeping me from changing jobs that I think are perfect but clearly the Universe has other ideas for me,







If this sounds like you, we should chat. 


Rina xx




Hi there, 

I’m Rina, Founder and Director of the Global Luxury Institute and creator of The Global Luxury Mastermind and The Beauty Codes. For over 3 decades I have been a leader in the beauty industry and have worked with National and International Beauty Brands to help therapists develop,  grow and thrive in their businesses.


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